Nov 10, 2008


I read Amber's blog this morning and saw that she had a great new look....that prompted me to do some research and who knew there were about a million free blog backgrounds you can get????

So, welcome to the new and improved Deaton Family Blog.

Thanks for such a great idea Amber!!!

Meet Your Match....

I thought there was nothing more terrifying than Dominic starting high school. Not terrifying for him - terrifying for me! Dominic in high school? If that's the case that means I am older than I ever thought I could be :)

The Mustang's took on the Panthers from Anthem for Homecoming this year and lost. Unfortunately, it's pretty typical of our Varsity squad. The freshman squad lost their game but the JV squad pulled one Homecoming win out for the Mustang's!

Meet Your Match was the theme of Homecoming this year. I just hope they were talking about football, not chicks! Dom decided to go with a group of friends because it was just too hard to pick one girl to go to the dance with. You have to dress up, shower (God forbid!), pick a corsage, take some pictures, plan dinner. Oy vey. Too much for him, so we dropped him off and picked him up.

Enjoy my "baby's" first Homecoming pic......

Happy Halloween!

I know, I'm a bit behind but better late than never, right?

My dearest friend on the planet came to visit last week and we had a great time! Shannon and her beautiful son, Porter arrived on Halloween. We were all so excited to see the both of them that Halloween day was especially exciting. Porter was a puppy, Zane was a spider and Noah was a 3-eyed monster (Dominic has decided he is way too cool for Halloween, so no costume for him).

Once I got home from work we all quickly got ready and headed over to my friend Julie's house. A couple of years ago Julie and Mike started grilling hot dogs for their neighbors. In the colder years (anything below 75) they made gallons of hot chocolate. This year they were disappointed that they couldn't be home on Halloween because their son Christian had a football game. Our bible study group decided to keep the tradition alive and come over a grill hotdogs for them. We made over a 100 hotdogs that night for their neighbors and went through about 6 bags of candy. It was so great to see the expressions on people's faces when they realized the "hot dog house" was still there. Thanks so much to Julie and Mike for making us all a great dinner (chili and cornbread) and to Tim and Shannon for grilling with us.

We took turns grilling so we could take the boys trick - or - treating around the block. They had a great time and Zane learned how to say trick-or-treat and said thank you after each house. Noah had a great time running from house to house. He was especially intrigued by the house that had 4 quads in the garage. Not Halloween decorations. Quads. He and Zane both were ready to ride. And, quite unhappy with us as a result when we left.

In any case, we had a great time this year. Hope you all had a great Halloween as well!

Noah the three-eyed monster

Zane the spider

Daddy and Noah

Daddy and Zane

Porter the puppy

Shannon (complete with great new haircut!) and Porter

Mustang #13

Dom's last football game resulted in another Mustang loss, but Dom made a great play.... and being the great Mom I am I forgot my camera. So although I have no photo to prove it, you'll have to take my word for it when I tell you he made a spectacular block for the WR...he drilled this kid. I'm not sure I should say that with so much pride - violence and all - but honestly, I don't know that I've ever been so proud watching my kid hit someone so hard!

I did remember to get a picture of him in his different jerseys, so I guess these will have to do. The Mustangs finished the season 1-9, but I loved watching Dom play. He really loves this game and as much as it terrifies me it's great seeing him do something he loves to do.

Next up? Soccer. Yeah.
