Aug 29, 2008


Aaahhh....8th grade promotion. The day your whiny 8th grader goes from being the "big man on campus" to a whinier version of his former self. Some call them freshman; I call it adolescent hormonal craziness - freshman for short. Dom's last day of school (below) and his graduation thereafter. You'll notice I didn't have a nice picture of him at the ceremony. Many of you know the story, but for those of you that don't, let me sum it up for you.....Dom behaved like a 5 year old and refused to allow us to take pictures. This was also the day we discovered that I have a crappy camera that only takes pictures of things that hold still...not so good for toddlers or teenagers on the move. So, we're back to one crappy picture. Those of you who know me know that it breaks my heart to not have a nice photo of him but.....c'est la vie.

I was incredibly moved by watching my son move on to the next phase of his life (I couldn't let him see that I was watching of course, as I AM the dumbest person on the planet). The kids his age have this pseudo - adult relationship "thing" happening where they are still kids but desperately seeking their adulthood. They shake hands and pound knuckles and pat backs and cry at soon to be forgotten friendships.....all with the idea that being 16 and driving or being 18 and out on their own will be the best thing to happen to them. If only they knew the things in life that were coming...they would slow down and enjoy.
Hope you enjoy these. More to come soon (I promised Shannon to post more often!)

1 comment:

Shannon Houston said...

I think I'm going to cry, our baby boy is all grown up!! LOL My little boyfriend is becoming a hot young man....congrats Dom! Love ya
