Sep 14, 2008

Dom's first day of high school

The presence of these pictures almost brings you up to date. Below are the pics from Dom's first day in HIGH SCHOOL. Yes, he's a freshman. Yes, it is impossible that I have a child old enough to attend HIGH SCHOOL, but he went and defied me and did it anyway :) You would have been proud - I kept my tears in check and sent my baby off to play with the big kids - literally.

Dominic - so handsome!

Lookin' good for the ladies!

Kevin and Dominic

1 comment:

Shannon Houston said...

Is it wrong to thing Dominic is a hottie? I feel like such a dirty old lady for even saying it....LOL. I guess I'm the one now wishing he was my boyfriend... love ya Dominic, go get 'em lady killer!
