Nov 10, 2008

Meet Your Match....

I thought there was nothing more terrifying than Dominic starting high school. Not terrifying for him - terrifying for me! Dominic in high school? If that's the case that means I am older than I ever thought I could be :)

The Mustang's took on the Panthers from Anthem for Homecoming this year and lost. Unfortunately, it's pretty typical of our Varsity squad. The freshman squad lost their game but the JV squad pulled one Homecoming win out for the Mustang's!

Meet Your Match was the theme of Homecoming this year. I just hope they were talking about football, not chicks! Dom decided to go with a group of friends because it was just too hard to pick one girl to go to the dance with. You have to dress up, shower (God forbid!), pick a corsage, take some pictures, plan dinner. Oy vey. Too much for him, so we dropped him off and picked him up.

Enjoy my "baby's" first Homecoming pic......

1 comment:

Shannon Houston said...

Hubba, Hubba! Dom you are such a little hottie! I'm sure all the girls were drooling. :-)
