Aug 26, 2008

Hold on to your seats! The blog has been updated!

I've taken wide criticism for not updating my blog :) I know, I'm a slacker. I admit it. I'll try to post something every morning and evening until I'm caught up. Since May 18th many wonderful things have happened. I can't remember all of them of course (because I haven't kept up on my blog!) so I thought I would just start by posting some of my favorite pictures of the kids. Maybe that will tell the story for me. We love you all! Now Shannon can get off my back! ha ha!

Noah the ROCK STAR
Noah loves his sunglasses - he only keeps them on for moments at a time, but we were lucky enough to catch his rock star moment. ZANE the lopsided-rock star!
Of course, once Zane sees Noah with the glasses he must wear his. He wears his sunglasses for about 3.2 seconds before ripping them off and asking you to put them back on. Getting a photo with his sunglasses on is like trying to document the Lochness Monster - hard to do and out of focus when you get it!

1 comment:

Shannon Houston said...

Too cute!!! Love the sunglasses, I have to say Noah does look like a rockstar! Can't wait to see you
