Aug 29, 2008

Monsoon August 29, 2008

We got hit with a crazy storm only rivaled the one we had last night. On the way home from soccer there must have been at least 50 lightning bolts per minute. They just coming down one right after the other. By the time we got home the sideways rain had started and it poured a 1/2" or so in the first 10 minutes. We stood out on the back porch just in time to watch 2 giant bolts hit in the park behind our house. The thunder that cracked was unbelieveable. It set off all the car alarms in the neighborhood. The poor babies couldn't figure out what was going on....they definitely do not like thunder. Check out the video clip I took with my camera below - you can hear how loud the thunder and rain are (make sure your volume is turned up).

My camera isn't fast enough to catch the lightning bolts but it sure lit up the sky like it was daytime. Take a look below....if you want to see some great storm pictures (giant trees ripped out of the ground, 80 mph winds, planes flipped over) go to and look at the photo gallery. There are some pretty crazy things there.

1 comment:

Shannon Houston said...

That is a cool video, amazing how it lights up everything! And I have so much to catch up on, you go you little blogger!!! I'm so excited to read the rest. Thanks for updating
